Adepto Partners saves 50% of admin work

Adepto Partners is a management consultancy based in Stockholm, Sweden. The firm advises private equity owners and management teams on strategy and M&A projects. Adepto Partners uses modern technology and tools to deliver projects efficiently, in close partnership with its clients, and Inex One is a part of their toolkit.

The Adepto Partners team has experience with all the traditional expert networks, which they used extensively before discovering Inex One. Inex One has become an important tool to Adepto Partners, to run expert interviews and surveys for projects. Inex One’s wide range of suppliers and efficient technology helps Adepto get deep market insights in a cost-effective way.

We've relied on traditional networks for quite some time, but their pricing systems are often opaque, transcripts typically come with additional costs, and large prepayments are sometimes necessary for network access. So we tried Inex One and were positively surprised. The quality is at par - sometimes better - than the leading alternatives. The pricing is significantly better. And the tech platform is awesome. Inex One saves me probably ~50% of the work in getting expert interviews, and 25% of the cost.

- Timmy Andersson, Co-Founder Adepto Partners I ex-McKinsey

Adepto Partners is a new type of management consulting firm. Adepto only hires and deploys advisors with multiple years of experience, offering flexible and customized engagements to private equity firms and management teams, with focus on M&A, corporate strategy, and strategy execution.

Inex One is the marketplace for expert network services and B2B surveys. More than 6,000 users worldwide get their market insights fast on Inex One, conducting commercial due diligence, market research, and research for corporate strategy and M&A.