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Indusguru is an expert network based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Indusguru was started in 2016 by former Accenture consultants.
Visit the company website here.

Indusguru is an expert network based in Mumbai, Maharashtra. Indusguru was started in 2016 by former Accenture consultants.
Visit the company website here.
NextynSights (formerly known as Marquis) is an expert network based in Mumbai, India. It was started in 2018 as a division of the research and consulting company Nextyn.
Read moreInsight Alpha is an expert network based in India. It was founded in 2008 and is today one of the larger India-focused expert networks.
Read moreInfollion is an expert network based in Gurgaon, India. Infollion was founded in 2009 and is today one of the larger India-focused expert networks.
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