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Infollion is an expert network based in Gurgaon, India. Infollion was founded in 2009 and is today one of the larger India-focused expert networks.

Infollion offers regular expert network services, ad-hoc consulting projects and on-site visits with experts ("Knowledge Tours"). From its office India, the company custom-recruits experts across the US, MENA and UK-DACH.

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Insight Alpha

Insight Alpha is an expert network based in India. It was founded in 2008 and is today one of the larger India-focused expert networks.

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Knowledge Ridge

Knowledge Ridge is a mid-sized global expert network, specialized in customized research across all industries. The firm is headquartered in Pune, India.

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VisasQ is a Japanese expert network. It was launched in 2012 as Walkntalk Inc. and later rebranded as VisasQ. In August 2021, it acquired US-based expert network Coleman Research for ~$100m.

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