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Magellan Research Group

Magellan Research Group is an expert network based in New York. A former AlphaSights manager founded Magellan Research Group in 2014.

In 2019, a former director at Magellan launched the expert network Waterside, acquired the same year by Arbolus (earlier known as CiQ Group).

Visit the company’s website here.

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Tegus expert network logo

Tegus Expert Network

Tegus is an expert network based in Chicago. It started in 2016 by two brothers: a former Alphasights employee and a former finance professional. After raising a total of $112m, the company was acquired by competitor AlphaSense at a ~$1 Bn valuation in June 2024.

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Coleman Research

Coleman Research is a medium-sized expert network, founded in 2003. It operates a standard expert network model and is focused on serving buy-side firms.

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DeMatteo Research

DeMatteo Research is one of the oldest expert networks. DeMatteo Research was founded in 1997 as a general investment research company.

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