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Right Angle Global

Right Angle Global is an expert network based in Moldova. The company is a division of DevelopmentAid, a recruitment and research firm based in Cyprus.

Right Angle Global launched in 2019, operating a standard expert network model. In 2022, the company launched ENC or, presented as an expert network aggregator platform. At Inex One, we're happy to see more firms exploring tech solutions to improve the expert network industry. We're slightly cautious about the prospects for RightAngle though, as it has proven difficult to operate both an expert network and a coordination platform at the same time. The main challenge is getting expert networks to trust you and want to upload their experts to a direct competitor. Both Mosaic Research, Coleman Research and Prosapient have tried this before, and eventually shelved the effort.

ENC and RightAngle Global are the same company, the Gibraltar-based Devaid Ltd.

In the spring of 2024, some expert networks reported that ENC served mostly India- and Russia-based clients, and struggled to pay bills on time. Meanwhile, Inex One does not serve any Russian entities following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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