For expert networks and survey providers
Become an Inex One partner.
Access new revenue streams and tools to serve them effectively.

Join an exclusive club
The Inex One marketplace is for the best expert networks and survey vendors worldwide. Grow your business with Inex One.
Whether your expertise is custom expert sourcing or building survey panels - if you want to accelerate your growth, we're here to help.

Calls and surveys completed
Partners worldwide
Users worldwide
3.5 million
Experts in our partners' databases
Why join the Inex One marketplace?
New revenue streams
Access some of the world’s major clients for surveys and expert calls and unlock entirely new client segments.
Simplified billing
Stop chasing overdue payments and mimimize time spent on admin with one monthly invoice for all projects.
Streamlined workflow
Manage all clients in one platform. Update expert profiles and availabilities as you go.
Flexible setup
Stay in control of your pipeline and choose which projects to work on in real-time.