Work smarter not harder.

Use the best tech platform in the industry to maximize ROI on your team's time and add value to your customers.

Sell calls, don't call support

You need tech that works for you. Building it from scratch is hard when you have a demanding business to run.

That's why Inex One specializes in building tech for expert networks and survey providers, letting you focus on your core business.

Inex One supports the fastest-growing expert networks and B2B survey firms worldwide in a win-win partnership.



Calls and surveys completed



Partners worldwide



Users worldwide


3.5 million

Experts in our partners' databases

Tech that works for you.

Streamlined workflows

Manage all clients, all experts, and all your internal teams in one efficient platform.

Simplified billing

Minimize time spent on admin for paying experts or chasing overdue client invoices.

Expert-level expert database

Keep your expert data clean, high-quality and up to date - to reuse experts for future projects.

Flexible setup

Stay in control of your project pipeline and data ownership.

Get the tools of the titans.

Get in touch today to discuss partnership opportunities.