Survey provider directory
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AMR Research
AMR Research is a market research company based in Düsseldorf, Germany, and specializing in B2B and healthcare audiences, with a meaningful portion being CATI-recruitment.

Appinio offers real-time market research services via a mobile application.

B2B International
B2B International is a market research company specializing in B2B and healthcare audiences, with a meaningful portion being CATI-recruitment.

Dynata provides first-party data of users participating in member-based panels that the business organizes and maintains

Expert networks doing B2B surveys
Multiple expert networks provide surveys, with a particular edge in B2B. This is a list of them all

Focus Crossroads
Focus Crossroads is the 40-seat CATI center of Russel Research, based in the US.

GrapeData is a B2B survey provider headquartered in London, England. The company's platform offers Data-as-a-Service (DAAS) by utilizing crowd intelligence.

High Beam Global
High Beam Global is a survey firm, CATI center and expert network based in Gurugram, India.

Inc-Query is a digital survey company that provides writing tools, custom coding solutions, and due diligence for quick market surveys.

IntelliSurvey is a market research company providing online survey software and analytic tools.

Krämer Marktforschung
Krämer Marktforschung is a market research company specializing in both B2B and consumer audiences, with a strong focus on online panels and qualitative research.

m360 Research
m360 Research is a subsidiary of M3, a healthcare market research company headquartered in Tokyo and publicly traded on the Tokyo Stock exchange.